Power Platform Dev Weekly #213

Welcome to Power Platform Dev Weekly! This week's edition includes a teaser preview of Andrew Butenko's side project on PowerFX for model-driven app forms. There are also several Microsoft feature releases and announcements, such as new Copilot features for Power Fx and the general availability of block unmanaged customizations. In the Model Driven Apps & Dataverse section, you'll find articles on sharing a model-driven app with an Entra security group and creating N:N relationship records in Dynamics 365/DataVerse using client API. The Canvas Apps section covers the Header control in Power Apps, and the Power Automate section includes tips on bypassing Dataverse plug-ins and flows. Lastly, there's an article on utilizing Copilot for AI-generated text in Power Pages and other miscellaneous content in the Power Platform. Follow Power Platform Dev Weekly on Twitter, Mastodon, and LinkedIn.

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