Q&A Explained - AI Visuals in Power BI

In this video, Angelica explains how to use AI visuals in Power BI, specifically focusing on the Q&A visual. She demonstrates how to ask questions using natural language and receive visualized answers based on your data. Angelica also provides tips for improving Q&A results, modifying data categories, and managing synonyms. The video does contain promotional information about discounted training on Microsoft products, but it has been removed from this summary. The timestamps for different sections of the video are as follows: Introduction to AI Visuals in Power BI (00:00), Understanding the Q&A Visual in Power BI (01:48), Using Natural Language Queries (03:01), Customizing Visuals (07:12), Training Q&A for Improved Recognition (09:30), and Reviewing and Suggesting Questions (14:40).

Video 6m

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